The beach at Kua Bay
As I mentioned in my last post, I went to Hawaii to attend the wedding of my dear friend Erin, and to experience Hawaii itself for the first time.
I spent my days on the Big Island eating local favorites (poi and spam!), fresh local fruits from the farmer's market (pineapple, mango and strawberry papaya), visiting beaches in the north (Waimea), south (Punalu'u), east (Hilo) and west (Kailua-Kona), attending the wedding (on the beach at Kua Bay), and having many outdoor adventures (camping in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and on the beach at Ho'okenna, kayaking in the big blue ocean, and cliff jumping....kind of).
After spending three hours in the national park, I can now cross it off the list (I made myself a goal to visit every national park in America sometime in my lifetime). And the 'cliff jumping'? Well I had the opportunity while kayaking to cliff jump. I got up on the cliff, and with everyone chanting my name, I......chickened out. I did end up jumping of a smaller cliff, but hey you'll keep my secret, yeah? (Saying yeah at the end of every question is a Hawaiian thing).
It may sound like once in Hawaii, it would be hard to come back. Well, that wasn't the case here. I had a grand time on the island and would love to go back and have new experiences some day, but I am now and will always be a prairie girl.

My dear Konza Prairie
Hawaii is just a little TOO laid back for me. I need structure and deadlines and commitment. I can go with the flow just as much as the next gal, but the flow in Hawaii was just a little TOO meandering.
And so I am happily content back on the prairie, near my Konza Prairie, in my little house on the prairie, with my equally prairie lovin' man.