It is spring break, so no subbing. A great creative week (but unfortunately, not a paying week).
It may have been a rainy, cool week, but I don't think I've had such a good week in quite awhile. I got to work on a TON of projects that got my creative juices flowing and I found out that two of my photos are going to appear in Kansas! magazine. I couldn't be more excited.
Here are a few things that stood out as making my week extra happy:
Working on my photos
I spent the last few days getting my photographs ready for my April show at Radina's (Aggieville location).
Flowers on a window sill

Last weekend we had a small dinner party, so I went to Dillon's and spent about $14 on 2 bouquets of flowers.
I took the bouquets apart and made my own arrangements in a variety of vases.
They filled about 10 vases, which are now scattered around the house and still going strong!
Signs of Spring!!!!
Blooming redbuds
Dazzling tulips

Bushes of peach flowers
And the hint of the lilacs to come
Being completely caught up on Mad Men!

I am completely addicted! I have always loved the 60's and I feel this is an honest peak into what life was like then (at least on Madison Avenue). I especially love the clothes and decor. I spent the last month watching the first 4 seasons so I could go into the new season knowing what was going on. Ike is baffled at how I can watch so many episodes of one show in such a short time (I usually watched while doing other things around the house.)
Heavy Cream....
I know it is not the most healthy thing, but seriously, adding heavy cream to just about anything, makes it better. It makes me incredibly happy.
Anyway, those are just a few of the things that made my spring break spectacular!
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