So, awhile back I bought this book....

It has fun little prompts, ideas and activities to get you thinking about what makes you happy (so you could say it was partly the inspiration for this blog). So every once in awhile I'll post things from it, and I hope you, dear reader, will take a second out of your day to use the post to think about what makes you happy.
Here is your first one....
Make a list of things that make you happy-anything and everything that makes you happy-small, big, profound, simple.
Here's my list:
-Fall leaves
-A bath with the perfect temperature
-Finding a great new band
-Sitting in a dark movie theater
-Starting a good book
-A 75 degree day
-Seeing my dad coach
-Laughing really hard with friends
-Finding Ace Pear Cider
-Driving through small towns
-The Ocean
-Live music
-1960/70's home decor
-Hearing my mom laugh
-Finding great DIY ideas
-Online shopping
-Listening to records
-Handmade gifts
-A good hair day
-A stranger's smile
-Fresh flowers
-Smell of rain
-Being goofy with my sister
-Making new friends
-Hearing my brother get excited
-Finding the perfect pair of jeans
Now it's your turn....
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