I just came across this video directed by Spike Jones and created by Olympia Le Tan and immediately had to share it. So creative and entertaining. Just be warned there is a little skeleton on skeleton action! Enjoy!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
3 Things...
Today's post is simple. Three things that have given me joy lately.
Sage from my husband
My plants and herbs that have survived the previous months' heat and my neglect.
It's Fall!!!!!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Men Who Know How to Dress
I follow Scott Schuman's blog The Sartorialist and last night he posted this video of a dinner he hosted for men whom he believes encapsulate the essence of style (my words, not his, I'm not sure why he actually has the dinner, but this is my guess).
I've got to say, there are few things (fashion-wise) that could make me as happy as seeing so many handsome, well-dressed men together in one place.
I've got to say, there are few things (fashion-wise) that could make me as happy as seeing so many handsome, well-dressed men together in one place.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Friends in High Places...
...And by high places, I mean trees, more specifically, fruit trees. I don't know if they are necessarily in these trees, but they are definitely picking fruit from them (Although I could see David Seay up in a tree!)
What is all of this mumbling about you may be asking yourself. Well, I just spent the last 8 1/2 hours canning some glorious fruit (8 pints of apples and 3 pints of peaches), so I'm a little loopy.

Anyway, the apples are beautiful green apples from the Seay Tree (also known as the apple tree in David and Karen Seay's yard) and the peaches are lovely white peaches from the Arbre de St. Louis (also known as the peach tree in Summer and Spencer St. Louis's yard). I am ever so grateful for this 'forbidden' fruit (it is only forbidden to eat until at least December or January, so I can enjoy apple pie and peach cobbler featuring fruit from Kansas in the dead of our frigid winter).
I was also able to save a ton of the peach juice that I used to fill the jars, which I will be taking with me to make Bellini's this weekend at the party at Glinn Gardens. OOOOHHHH! I can't wait to share some of my sweet, peachy concoction with my dear friends and their friends (along with a Minted Peach Salsa...I know, I am crazy for peaches right now, but I just can't help it!!!)
Hope you are enjoying your summer! xoxo
Sunday, July 15, 2012
When People Go Above and Beyond
So I might have mentioned I recently got married.
Well on the wedding day I had the honor of having Sarah Reeves from Beautiful Isolations Photography photograph our wedding. Her work truly is amazing and beautiful and any other words that are synonyms for fantastic.
Part of the deal (besides taking the pictures, posting them to an online gallery and posting them in two separate blog posts on her blog here) is that she send us a disc of all of our photos (over 400!!!)
So, I was expecting just that, a disc, nothing more, nothing less. Well, this is what she sent:

A sweet-as-pie thank you card, printing discounts, our disc in a gorgeous case and a pretty-as-a-picture apron! Now that is what I call customer service!
Sarah is fabulous and you should book her now for your wedding photos, your engagement photos, baby photos, dog photos, nude photos (just kidding!!!)....you get the picture.
I just love when people go above and beyond for the simple reason of making someone else smile.
Well, this lady has a huge smile on her face! Thank you, Sarah! XOXO
Enthusiasm for The Object Enthusiast
If you aren't familiar with The Object Enthusiast (aka Emily Reinhardt) prepare yourself.
Emily is a local ceramic artist and blogger (check out her Etsy store here and her blog here). I would literally buy everything in her Etsy store if I had the money....but I don't. So, I settled for buying a set of these cute tumblers and a set of these cute little cups.

Buy something from her now before she becomes wildly famous and her prices skyrocket!
(Also take a look at her blog! She has great recommendations of cool stuff to check out.)
What Day is Today?
Today is canning day!
I canned for the first time today, and I have to say it was pretty successful. 4 pints of pickles, 3 pints of peaches and 3 pints of tomatoes (all from the farmer's market).

I really wish I could can every day! I'm hooked. My goal for the next five years is to really grow our pantry in the summer with an abundance of locally grown foods that we can enjoy all year (if I never have to buy canned tomatoes again I will be thrilled!). I also really love doing anything that makes me feel connected with a past way of doing things.
I used this book, The Fresh Girl's Guide to Canning and Preserving as a guide. It was easy to follow and gave great tips and recipes.
I can't wait to make peach cobbler in January with peaches from a tree right here in Kansas!
Sights (and smells) of Summer
I'm about to inundate you with many blogs. I simply have a lot to be happy about this weekend.
This first post is an ode to my local farmer's market (where I have a booth again this summer).
The produce is really starting to flourish: the reds, yellows and purples of tomatoes; gorgeous, juicy peaches; bright orange carrots; golden sweet corn; all accompanied by the sweet smell of summer flowers (starring the Zennia)! Take a look....

The above is produce from Jake's Farm

The Weiche's always have great produce
The market has grown so much this year. There is so much more than produce and baked goods now. Come support local merchants!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Grilled Cherry & Brie Pizza

If you make one recipe from this blog, make it this one.
Holy crow, this was delicious (and easy)!
First the pizza dough...
Combine in a large bowl: 1 c. warm water and 2 1/4 tsp. (or 1 package) yeast
When dissolved add: 1 T. sugar, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 T. olive oil and 1 1/4 c. flour.
Beat until smooth. Add: 2 c. additional flour. Knead until elastic, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl & let rise until doubled. Form 2 balls. Pat & stretch to about 9 inch diameters.
Now for the toppings....
Melt 2 T. butter in a skillet and add 1/2 of a whole yellow onion, thinly sliced. Cook on low for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Onions should be a deep brown but not crispy when finished.
Simmer 1/4 c. Balsamic vinegar on medium heat for 3-4 minutes until it has a syrup consistency. Set aside.
You will also need 10 slices of Brie cheese, 3/4 c. shredded mozzarella, 1 c. fresh cherries, pitted, and 1 1/2 T. fresh rosemary
And finally, the cooking...
Turn your grill on low heat, place 2 pizza doughs right on the grill grates and cook one side for 5-10 minutes. Flip dough over when brown and crispy. Layer the cooked side with mozzarella, Brie slices, your caramelized onions, cherries and rosemary. Cook for another 5-10 minutes or until cheeses have melted.
Drizzle with balsamic reduction and serve.
We were lucky enough to have fresh tart cherries from our farmer's market, onions from a friend's garden and rosemary from our own garden. Try to get as many fresh ingredients as possible, trust me it's worth it.
Bon Appetite!
Topping recipe courtesy of Little Yellow Kitchen on www.tastykitchen.com (pizza crust recipe courtesy of Ike's mom)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Two Poems
An Ode to Swingin'
You can find me these days
On a hammock that sways
On the front porch of the Colorado House.
In orange, blue and yellow
It has the colors that will mellow
Even the most sourpuss of souls.
Just talkin' 'bout the weather
We're like birds of a feather
Sippin' beer from a mason jar.
Belle is prowlin' round
Except for the birds there's not a sound
Other than an engine roarin' right across the street
You can find me these days
On a hammock that sways
On the front porch of the Colorado House.

photo courtesy of trueblueridge.wordpress.com
McDowell Creek Boys
Head on up McDowell Creek and you might hear,
some guys playin' music that could make you shed a tear.
Earl on his guitar and Ray on mandolin,
Dennis grab your bongo, we all join in.
Stan in the corner pickin' on his bass,
Everyone in earshot has a smile on their face.
We can hear Dave's voice float across the creek,
As somebody whispers, "Hey, there's a party this week."
Their eyes light up, and they just know,
they MUST play this party at Lake Elbo.
So head on up Lake Elbo and you might hear
some guys playin' music that'll make you shake your rear.
written by me
Monday, May 28, 2012
Outdoor Living
I can't believe I have been so neglectful of this blog!
In all fairness, I did get married, so that took up a lot of time. And I have been planning for the new summer job that I start tomorrow and beginning to plan for my new teaching position next fall. So, this post will be short and sweet, and hopefully it won't be so long until the next one!
Here are some photos of my favorite outdoor living activities.
Growing Our Own Veggie and Herbs


"Bell Boy" Green Pepper

Basil used to make Thai Basil Chicken
Cooking Outdoors

I cooked said Thai Basil Chicken on our camping stove on the back porch.
We haven't turned on our air conditioner yet, and we want to keep the heat down in the kitchen.

The one thing that makes the heat bearable. I could just live in a hammock.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary...
How does your garden grow?
Much better now that it isn't 90 degrees!
I finally, finally have a place to grow flowers, fruits and veggies! And thanks to my garden party (aka bridal shower) I now have a ton of beautiful blooms to feast my eyes upon. It really spruces the ol' place up!
Much better now that it isn't 90 degrees!
I finally, finally have a place to grow flowers, fruits and veggies! And thanks to my garden party (aka bridal shower) I now have a ton of beautiful blooms to feast my eyes upon. It really spruces the ol' place up!
A place to sit and enjoy the vegetation.
Some Yellow Osteospermum and White Pansies planted in an old farmhouse sink.
The shower favors were completely for the birds.
On the front steps, purple Celosia, Red Salvia, Geraniums, and pink Gerber Daisies.
The front porch isn't complete without chimes and a hanging flower basket.
Can't wait to cook with the Thyme, Cilantro, Lavender and Basil!
My friend Laura made these sweet little ceramic markers.
Peppers, peppers, peppers (Pepperoncini, Banana and Bell)
Many evenings are spent a-swingin'.
Planted a bunch of perennials in the front flowerbed.
Planted in another sink are Ultra Red Star Petunias.
More Red Salvia (and blurred into the background are purple Phlox and red Dahlia)
Ravishing Rhubarb!
Planted a rose bush called Julia Child (yellow roses!)
Pineapple Sage!!!
Cute little solar hanging lights, a gift from the garden party.
A strawberry patch.
I planted succulents in bricks (accented with little tea lights).
And of course Turry the Elephant needed his own Vista Salmon Salvia.
So excited it's spring!!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A very HAPPY week....
It is spring break, so no subbing. A great creative week (but unfortunately, not a paying week).
It may have been a rainy, cool week, but I don't think I've had such a good week in quite awhile. I got to work on a TON of projects that got my creative juices flowing and I found out that two of my photos are going to appear in Kansas! magazine. I couldn't be more excited.
Here are a few things that stood out as making my week extra happy:
Working on my photos
I spent the last few days getting my photographs ready for my April show at Radina's (Aggieville location).
Flowers on a window sill

Last weekend we had a small dinner party, so I went to Dillon's and spent about $14 on 2 bouquets of flowers.
I took the bouquets apart and made my own arrangements in a variety of vases.
They filled about 10 vases, which are now scattered around the house and still going strong!
Signs of Spring!!!!
Blooming redbuds
Dazzling tulips

Bushes of peach flowers
And the hint of the lilacs to come
Being completely caught up on Mad Men!

I am completely addicted! I have always loved the 60's and I feel this is an honest peak into what life was like then (at least on Madison Avenue). I especially love the clothes and decor. I spent the last month watching the first 4 seasons so I could go into the new season knowing what was going on. Ike is baffled at how I can watch so many episodes of one show in such a short time (I usually watched while doing other things around the house.)
Heavy Cream....
I know it is not the most healthy thing, but seriously, adding heavy cream to just about anything, makes it better. It makes me incredibly happy.
Anyway, those are just a few of the things that made my spring break spectacular!
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